How to create a Private Collection on Mercis website
Start by logging in to your account at You can find this link in the footer of every page – My Account.
Use the appropriate form to log in to your account.
If you forgot your password, follow the link Lost your password? to change it.
If this is your first visit, please register to create your account.
Now open the product page and select one of the color variations. The selected variation will be marked with a yellow line and a larger picture will appear in the main image window.
Some fabrics already have a set of coordinated products, suggested by Mercis, but you can always add your own.
Click the ♥ ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION button.
If you are not already logged into your account, you will be redirected to the login page (step 2).
A pop-up window will appear where you can choose to add this product to one of your existing collections (select it from the drop down) or create a new collection by entering its name and pressing Create.
Finish by clicking the Add to Collection button.
A confirmation box will appear. To see your Private Collection, click on its name or close the box by pressing the Continue Browsing button.
From you account dashboard you can view, manage and share your Private Collections.
Access your account at or follow the My Account link from the footer of every page.
Select your collection by clicking on the main image. Once you’ve selected a collection, you can share it by e-mail.
By clicking the Edit Collection button, you can change its name and cover image, rearrange and delete individual products, or copy products into a different collection.
Use the text field to edit or change the name of your collection.
By dragging and dropping individual product, you can sort them to your liking.
Additional options will appear on mouseover. With the star button you can copy a product to another of your collections.
By clicking the Make cover image button, you can change the main image of your collection.
With the X button you can delete the product from your collection.
After making changes, please confirm them with the Done editing button.